Mortgage Journey with FCCU

Step 1: Loan Application
Once you have applied for your home loan, your loan officer will help you choose the best mortgage option for you. Within 3 days of a completed application, FCCU will provide a loan estimate to break down your financing costs. During this time, paperwork can be signed online through our borrower portal. 

Step 2: Loan Processing
An appraisal and title work will be ordered for your home. Once completed, loan processing will review signed disclosures and make sure there is sufficient information to continue to underwriting. Your timely response when required documents are needed will help keep the process running smoothly!

Step 3: Loan Underwriting 
FCCU will verify your work history and review financial documentation, title work, and appraisal information. Your loan officer may request additional documentation during this process to ensure the application meets your loan program's guidelines. Uploading documents through the borrower portal is a safe and secure way to submit your documents.

Step 4: Approval
Once we receive approval from underwriting, FCCU will work with the title company to finalize numbers, do a final check on employment, and make sure we have everything to create your closing documents. At least 3 business days prior to closing, a closing disclosure will be sent to you for signatures. This will outline all the closing costs associated with your loan.

Step 5: Closing Day
You will meet with the closing agent at the title company to review and sign closing documents. To save time at closing, FCCU allows for e-signing. Be sure to ask your Mortgage Loan Officer about this option.

Congratulations! You're now a proud home owner!

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