FCCU Podcast — Let's CU Succeed

Let's CU Succeed is here to help our listeners achieve financial success, while having fun along the way. This podcast features financial tips and tricks, community involvement spotlights, fun stories told by our employees and everything in between.

What is a podcast? Basically, a podcast is an audio program, just like Talk Radio, but you can subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like.

You can listen to the podcasts listed below on Apple, Spotify, Anchor, Google Podcasts and other podcast platforms, or be sure to subscribe to our podcast!

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Housing Market Update

On this episode of Let's CU Succeed, we talk with Cody Clark, Mortgage Loan Officer in Bismarck. Cody gives us an update on what the housing market looks like right now and what you should expect if you are planning to buy a home in 2024. Thanks for listening!

Kitchen Remodels with Kitchen Refresh

On this episode, we talk with Chris Reinicke, founder and owner of Kitchen Refresh. We covered different levels of kitchen remodels, costs, why your kitchen is so important - and more! Thank you for listening!

Veterans Home Loan Program


This weeks episode breaks down Veteran Affairs Loans. VA Loans are a fantastic option for any active military or veterans looking to purchase a home. We sat down with Darin Engstrom, Mortgage Lender in Fargo, who is a veteran himself to break down the program, who qualifies and what kind of benefits you can expect to receive. Please share this podcast with any one who has served our country so that they do not miss out. Thank you for listening!

How to Add Value to Your Home in Today's Market


Have you been wondering how to add value to your home in today's crazy market? This is the episode for you! Whether you are buying, selling or just looking for some change, Chad Mastrud, Internal Evaluation Specialist, has some things to look for when its time to evaluate a property. With over 25 years of home evaluation experience he was the perfect guy to sit down and have a chat about what does and does not add value to your property. We talked about long term, short term, expensive and cheap ways to make your home a little more buyer friendly in this weeks episode.

So You Want A Custom House? (Epic Homes Part 2)


On part two of this two part podcast, Tom and Parker talk about home building tips, industry trends and much more. If you haven't heard part one yet be sure to go back and listen to that podcast where Tom and Parker introduce themselves and their business of Epic Homes. Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of our podcast drops.

How Three Kids Started Building Custom Million Dollar Homes: Epic Homes Part 1


This episode features Tom and Parker of Epic Homes to talk about their story and how the business of Epic Homes came to be. Tom and Parker do incredible work that many of you have probably already seen in your neck of the woods. On part one of this two part episode you will get to learn more about their background, story and what exactly they do. Part two will feature more home building tips, industry trends and more. Thank you for listening and don't forget to subscribe!